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NEW ALBUM OUT 1/12/2020!!

On CD &Vinyl , and streaming!

JB & THE HÜGGELI formerly known as Det Hyggelige Blues Band is Jesper Bjarnesen, guitar-vocal, Jais K. Eriksen, bas and Oscar “Big O” Eriksen, drums. The trio was formed on request in 2015, to perform on a regular basis in “Eydes Kælder” on mainstreet in Horsens, Denmark. The trio soon started to gain popularity, and began touring, with a prestige climax in 2018, playing the Göteborg Blues Festival. In autumn 2020 the trio finished recordings now adding tenorsax player “Hanse” Jensen, and Kim Nedergaard on piano.

The material is original, and the music style is traditional Texas and Chicago inspired blues music with a lot of swing!


Bandleader Jesper Bjarnesen has a history with blues music going back to the 80’s, playing and singing with White Shirt Blues Band, a popular-live act on the Århus bluesscene back then. Later singing, and recording two albums with Shotgone in the 90’s. Still bluesy, but more rock oriented. In the 00’s turning towards jazz, singing and recording with Klüvers Big Band, the later Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, and Kims Bacon. Kims Bacon (including both Kim Nedergaard and “Hanse” Jensen) was also featured on Jesper Bjarnesens album “Swinging Christmas” from 2001, which also featured piano and Hammond player Martin Jønsson, Verner Worck on trumpet and singer Rikke Mølgård. In 2013 Skriver Bjarnesen Band released the album “Nothing But Love”. Henrik Skriver and Jesper Bjarnesen has worked together since the founding of Shotgone in late 80’s. They teamed up with drummer Claus Daugaard (Ole Frimer Band, Shades of Blue) and bassist Michael Wedgwood for this band, which is put on hold for the moment. But Henrik Skriver has recorded and produced the current album with JB & THE HÜGGELI in his Strawbale House Studio in Rønde.

JB has received “Blueskartellets Ærespris 2018” in Horsens for his long-time contribution and achievements on the local and national bluesscene. Also in 2018 he received the “Horsens All Star Publikums Pris” in his hometown Horsens.

Drummer Oscar “Big O” Eriksen plays a role on the Danish bluesscene as singer and frontman in Big O & The Blue Quarters. A popular band touring nationally and with several appearances on international blues-festivals. With JB & THE HÜGGELI he has picked up drumplaying to spend some time with his dad (JB), and because he likes it!

Jais K. Eriksen has up to this very moment been playing bas with Big O & The Blue Quarters, but is now free on the market, except for the time he spends with JB & THE HÜGGELI.

Kim Nedergaard and Hanse Jensen are known from almost 40 years of playing with jazz-blues band Kims Bacon. Hanse also plays rockabilly music with The BillyBobbers, and his saxophone is featured on the latest and highly critically acclaimed album with Big Creek Slim.

Nice, and probably true things said about JB:

“Jeg hørte Jesper første gang for en del år siden, på en CD med Klüvers Big Band - og fik et mindre shock! For stemmen der kom ud af højtalerne, var af en kaliber, man sjældent hører på denne side af Atlanten. En rå, troværdig og ganske uimodståelig Rythm&Blues vokal, leveret med stensikker feeling og timing. En stemme man lægger mærke til!”

Bobo Moreno, sanger.


"Jesper Bjarnesen er som sanger én af landets mere oversete skatte. Hans rå blues-blødende vokal har lige siden tiden i Shot Gone fortjent større anerkendelse og - ikke mindst - bevågenhed, end tilfældet hidtil har været.

Steffen Jungersen, musikanmelder.


“Her er tale om kvalitet og ægthed, hele vejen igennem. Manden er født til at synge, og det har han så gjort for os på Smukfest i mere end 30 år. Bjarnesen mestrer mange genrer og spreder altid FEST omkring sig.

En mand jeg er stolt over at kunne kalde for min ven!”

JP Andersen Smukfest Booking & Marketing


“Jesper Bjarnesen synger ganske enkelt for godt til kun at være berømt I Horsens.”

Ib Glindemann, bandleader.


“Jeg har altid ment Jesper Bjarnesen har en af DK's aller stærkeste blues/soul/rock stemmer! Power og sjæ it!”

Mike Andersen, sanger og guitarist.


“Jesper Bjarnesen synger faktisk en rytmisk frasering, der virker helt naturlig og afslappet, men som samtidig er I stand til at skabe den intensitet, der giver musikken liv.”

Boris Rabinowitsch, jazz anmelder.


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